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Cornered Biti insults magistrate

Harare magistrate Mrs Vongai Muchuchuti yesterday blasted the lawyer representing MDC Alliance vice president Tendai Biti for trying to delay court proceedings by seeking a seventh consecutive postponement.
Biti is facing allegations of manhandling a Russian woman during an altercation outside Harare Magistrates Court.
The matter has now been postponed six times at instigation of Mr Muchadehama.
Mr Muchadehama yesterday sent his representative Mr Jeremiah Bhamu to seek a postponement of the matter to October 21 saying he was engaged at the Master of High Court.
However the State led by senior prosecutor Mr Micheal Reza and Mr Tafara Chirambira opposed the application for postponement arguing that Mr Muchadehama and Biti were trying to delay proceedings.
This prompted Mrs Muchuchuti to request Mr Reza to confirm from the Master of High Court on whether Mr Muchadehama was still engaged and the court briefly adjourned.
When the court resumed at 11:15 Mr Reza told the court that Mr Muchadehama had been engaged at the High Court but the meeting he had gone there to attend had finished at 9am.
This led Mrs Muchuchuti to rule that the matter should proceed without Mr Muchadehama.
She said Mr Muchadehama deliberately deliberately chose not to come to represent his client.
Biti was put to the witness stand where he was placed by Mr Muchadehama last week while leading evidence on their application for refferal of the matter to the Apex Court he started accusing Zanu-PF, The Herald ,Nick Mangwana and Police Commissioner General for trying to destroy his image.
He turned on to Mrs Muchuchuti whom he started accusing of being biased and grossly abusing his constitutional rights.
Biti went on to accuse Mrs Muchuchuti of ruling against him on every application he makes.
The matter was then deffered to October 18 for continuation.
Mrs Muchuchuti last week dismissed Biti’s application for exception.
In her ruling Mrs Muchuchuti said the application by the defence lacked essential elements.
She said the defence also did not disclose any prejudice they will suffer if they are to plead.

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