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Jah Prayzah Says Oriyano and BaTroy Vanofanirwa Kutsvaga Musambo Wavo Vega

Jah Prayzah Says Oriyano and BaTroy Vanofanirwa Kutsvaga Musambo Wavo Vega photo credit meta
Jah Prayzah on Oriyano and BaTroy

Jah Prayzah has captured widespread attention after issuing a chilling warning to Oriyano about engaging in a copyright dispute regarding music.

The incident, which quickly went viral on social media, has sparked concern among fans. In a viral video, Jah Prayzah stated that while it’s good to be inspired by someone, this should only be a starting point. He emphasized the importance of finding one’s own way of singing over time, rather than constantly reminding people of the original artist. He urged Oriyano and BaTroy to develop their unique styles.

However, some critics argue that Jah Prayzah is being jealous. They recall how he treated Andy Muridzo, suggesting he wants the same outcome for Oriyano and BaTroy. Supporters of Jah Prayzah counter that he is correct; Oriyano and BaTroy should stop mimicking his style and instead discover their own musical identities.

Social Media Reactions:

Talent Murisawasha

Hezvo ko mavoice haachafanani focus nezveZANU nachivhayo wako
@ Rassel jhamba
Iwe hantie unoyimba zvemudzimu here unombobudirwa siyana nevamwe, iwe chinja musambo kana vakuteedzera.
Hon Gaffa havambocheme.
Mosey Chcago
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Vaona vakukundwa na oriyano vakuda kutsamwa zvisina basa xaa oriyano ndovoice rake ska muchadi nazvo
Shephlexy Madzimambo Music
Great advice iyoyo hakuna chodarika ipapo
@Chris Marshall
kkkkkkk Silent Killer haarwadziwe akasimudzira ngwere lite but uyu akutotuka pachikuru
@Style on budget zimvides..
As for vocals go. Oriyano has best vocals than Jah Prayzah.U can’t gate keep someone’s talent because ndiwe wakatanga
@Emel Xokoe
Oriyano akutozvinyanya voice zvese nemaimbiro a Jp mwana wepi
@Fay Mgari
never expected to hear that from you ,Oriyano ndimwari hre akazvipa voice serako
@Mhizha Joe
Nonsense, umwe murwere wema AcIDs uyuwo ndewepfungwawo
Patience Awali
Ndopaunoona kuti kunze uko kwakazara ma dhandah head chamurikutadza kunzwisisa ipapa chii. Hapasikutaurwa nyaya yekufanana kwema voice pano parikutaurwa nhau yekuteedzera tone zvinova zvinokonzera kuti pese panoyimba Oriyano unonzwa sekuti ndi JP saka apa JP haasikuti oriyano achinje voice but hanzi ngaatsvage pattan rakewo zvekuti chero ukanzwa song haumufananidze na JP.titende



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