Upcoming Sungura artiste Anthony Mpofu Muyengwa is set to release a new six-track album tomorrow.
The album, titled ‘Mudazvevamwe,’ which Muyengwa’s third since his debut ‘Ndanzwisisa shoko renyu’ which was released in 2018 before ‘Chichemo’ which followed a year after.
Despite criticism for sounding like the great Leonard Zhakata, Muyengwa’s music leaves one in awe with rich lyrics and melodious voice which exhibits how much the rising star learnt from the living legend who is also in full support of him.
In an interview with this publication Muyengwa, who is also a serving member in the Zimbabwe National Army, said he draws inspiration to write from his day to day life experiences.
“In this life we are living, we encounter different things, some which bring sadness to us and some planting joy within us. It’s those from aspects of life that I get my lyrics,” Muyengwa said.
He expressed gratitude for the support he gets from his friends, colleagues and superiors at work.
“The support I get from my friends and those that I work with, especially mashefu angu (my superiors), gives me the will power to keep going till I get to the top,” he added.
From the time he started Muyengwa’s music has gradually gathered a remarkable fan base especially from individuals drawn to Zhakata’s sound making him the hope of carrying forth his legacy.
Nyangwe muimbi we Sungura achinzi anoimba saLeonard Zhakata, Anthony Mpofu Muyengwa arikupakura damba refu rake rine nziyo nhanhatu mangwana.