Among them are 96,741 men and 52,481 women, with the registration process slated to continue until the month’s end.
“After around four weeks of military registration activities, which began on January 2nd, the Ministry of National Defence registered, throughout the national territory, 149,222 young people, corresponding to 67.48% of the planned target,” the Ministry of Defence announced.
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Military conscription is mandatory in Mozambique for individuals aged between 18 and 35. Previously, conscripts served for a duration of two years, but this period has been extended to five years.
Prospective candidates undergo fitness and other assessments, with only those who pass these tests being called up for service.
Many young Mozambicans view military service as a viable employment opportunity. Moreover, registering for the army is a prerequisite for admission to state universities and for securing employment in government or state-owned enterprises.
However, some recruits express concerns about the possibility of being deployed to the front lines of the conflict against Islamist insurgents in the northern province of Cabo Delgado following their training.