A great man’s presence and his good works will always be cherished and remembered even in his grave, so it is with the late legend Dr Oliver Tuku Mtukudzi.
The story of Norton could never be told without mentioning the music icon, with that in mind the Norton Town Council could not exhibit at this year’s Sanganai/Hlanganani Tourism Expo without adding a touch of Tuku or his music.
An eye catching-life size banner of Tuku and the sound of his songs from the talented Munya Mataruse immediately drew people to their exhibition stand for a close encounter of the legend’s legacy.
On the other hand the National Parks of Zimbabwe are also proudly displaying trophy animals and a large live python is quietly coiled in a display box probably also soaking in to the icon’s rich melodies coming from Munya’s tongue.
Images and video exhibitions of Pakare Paye Center one of the best tourist destinations to visit to are part of the major attractions of the Norton Stand.
The rest of Oliver Mtukudzi’s history is simply told by his sixty five or more of his music albums on display which Faith from Tuku Music proudly shows off to the visitors.
Coincidentally September is the legend’s birth and death month, what a way to celebrate him by honoring his legacy and contribution to the arts and tourism industry through Sanganai/Hlanganani which will be followed by a memorial concert and birthday celebration in Harare on Friday 27 September 2019.
Watch the video from the link below