A heartbreaking moment involves a young boy, around five years old, who still remembers where his father was buried after he passed away.
The boy was confident and precise about the location and position of his late father’s grave.
In a video, the boy is heard shouting, “Daddy vangu vari umu” (My father is over there), as he points directly to the grave. He says, “My father is in there, I want to see him. My father went into the graveyard, and I want to tell him something. Daddy, come and see me.”
He continues shouting, “Daddy,” and said that his father is not responding.
Here are some reactions on social media:
Kojoko-Damn it’s so heartbreaking….. Zvinorwadza vasara shuwa????????
Mpangazitha ????????-Why is she doing this to the child? It’s bad
Masvaure-This is wrong